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Sometimes it can fill us with dread, right? Turns out networking can be quite fun…at least if you do it in a way that you are comfortable with.

There are tips and suggestions everywhere you look ‘do this, try this and say this’ or ‘it’s about connecting and turning connections into sales’ and ‘return on investment’.

For years, very early in my career I wasn’t a fan of networking, always thought it was just ‘fake socialising’. I was wrong! Years later, I got into the swing of it, talking to people with different experiences, knowledge, personalities and it got interesting.

For years and years I did it without thinking because I genuinely loved chatting to other people, learning from them and getting to know other people. I was someone they could turn to and they were someone I could turn to, for a chat, advice, support or whatever was needed.

During that time I have always been someone else’s employee so never really thought anything more of it…now I am employing myself but why do I think it is different?

Because I hear so much conflicting advice on running a business and networking!!

Everyone, absolutely everyone has the best intentions towards me when offering their advice, knowledge and experience and I genuinely believe that. I always listen to what people have to say (because I like to think I’m a decent human being).
It’s down to me as an individual to filter this advice and crack on in a way that suits me.

When considering networking, I’ll think about things like:

  • What type of people would attend the event?
  • Whether I know the venue or not. If it’s always hot then wear something suitable, if it’s always cold then take another layer just in case. Check if there is a cloak room because it makes moving around, swapping details, shaking hands etc. much easier.
  • Do I know anyone there? It’s always worth a quick shout beforehand to say ‘I’ll be there so keep an eye open for me’ especially if it’s your first time at the event. Even if it’s someone new, reaching out via linkedIn beforehand can sometimes feel easier.
  • What do I want to achieve out of the event? Maybe find a new insurance broker, training company, another like-minded professional or look for potential leads. Set a couple of small goals for the event.
  • Where to get a drink and grab a drink!
  • I’ll wonder round, scope the place out and decide if there is anything of particular interest. Make some dynamic goals on arrival.

It’s important to remember we are humans. Some people are seasoned professionals at these places (who will support newcomers) it’s okay to be vulnerable and say ‘I’m new to this do you have any advice?’. Sparks a conversation!

Everyone is so kind and supportive at networking events – I’ve not yet heard of anyone being hostile when networking.  
I will always reflect on the day. Either by talking to someone about it or writing things down:

  • How did I do with my goals?
  • What went well?
  • What could have gone better?

Feel free to give me a shout for a chat. Over a real in person brew or a virtual one!
See you soon