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Life Long Learning

When we are in high school we inevitably get that pressure to perform in our GCSE's. We are told 'they will set you up for life' and 'you must pick your options based on the career you want'. We get thrust into a showcase of potential careers that, let's be honest about it, would have the school in a great light... Psychologist, teacher, sporting superstar or a lawyer...at 13/14 years old you 'must' make a decision on how you want life to go!
My daughter is going through this phase now at high school and I see history repeating itself so my one piece of advice for her is to simply 'do what you enjoy, life is not determined at high school...but whatever you do you try your best'.

My Story (Brief I promise)

In high school I was 'good' at french, got great grades and was encouraged to take it as a GCSE as a result. As a passive teenager (yes, yes I know I am not a passive adult) who respected authority I almost did as I was told. I did well in French GCSE, I think I got a 'B'. Time for 6th form college 'You are really good at french you should do that' so I signed up to A Level french...
All through those years I hated french and I hated my tutors, but I was doing well. Until mid way through my A Level I quit. On the spot, I quit. No more french for me. I was led to believe that quitting won't get me anywhere (I'm not convinced my French language skills would have either) and I have let those around me down. Not only from the college but also my parents 'Well what do you do now!?'.

Excuse my French

I completed my AS levels in Human Biology, Psychology and English Literature (remember the french went in the bin). Decided that Further education wasn't for me and I wanted a job with an income and a little bit of freedom.

Construction Saved the Day

Not quite construction. Sexism crept in so I was encouraged to go down an admin route...so off I went applying for admin apprentices here, there and everywhere. I was offered an apprentice admin job for a house builder. Blissfully naive to what the construction industry is about I jumped in feet first!

What a Ride!

Here are some key memorable points from my career:

  • Customer service experience. I was blamed, at age 18, for causing a woman to miscarry because she had crack in her walls and nail pops on the ceiling (I do feel for the people, the stress of house buying is horrendous) and the couple had wished me 'an awful life in front of me'.
  • Sexism and misogyny along the way, especially as an innocent young female in a male dominated industry. One particular instance I recall is when I was stood at the photocopier and a Director placed his hands on my hips and squeezed past me...the 10ft of space behind must have been intimidating to him. I didn't like this, spoke up, was made redundant not too long after. Coincidence? Who knows.
  • I was moved into an admin role to support H&S, the H&S Director asked if I would like to do my NEBOSH General, 'why not?!' I remember after my first day coming back into the office and saying 'what the bloody hell was that, you didn't tell me it would be so heavy!' and he laughed, belly laughed. It was my start though and I will always appreciate that.
  • During a site visit, the Manager (must have been very stressed) was jumping up and down in my face, shouting and swearing...I didn't shout back, I didn't stand up for myself but I didn't get upset either. Very neutral about it. Strange but I'm not sure I knew what to do.
  • Years and years later rather than have someone come into a business in a senior role to me I took a chance and asked to be considered for the role. I was given the role.
  • I have been trolled by one or two people over my career. They seem to have stopped now (I never took it personally, it wasn't, they did it to a few people). These people are out there and unfortunately it is part of life.
  • I have been told 'how construction works' in a 'what you might not understand is' method by people who don't know the first thing about me, how long I have been in construction or health and safety. I never respond...it isn't me that looks daft in that scenario is it? They make assumptions.
  • For another role I contacted the head honcho and asked them to give me a job...they did.

I won't bore you with any more memorable points in my career although there are loads!

My Point?

Not relating to french funnily enough. I think I have blocked all of that out and my french is Very limited now.
Life throws things at us that could alter how we thought it might go and that's okay.
You might not figure out what you want to do at the age of 14. I hadn't figured out what I wanted to do at age 30. At the moment I think I have figured it out but that could change couldn't it? There is no end point really is there?
The world has so much to offer. Do something you enjoy, talk to people, explore options because it will come to you and you will end up doing something you love and getting paid for it!